FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2020 – What September May Bring
As we surmised a couple of months ago, there are any number of caveats that preclude a full return to societal normalcy. Even though one of the more significant drawbacks is a lack of cohesive guidance on protocols and procedures, what’s really at issue is that the perception of affronts to personal freedoms is not countered by a committed embrace of civic responsibilities.
We don’t know if it’s wise or foolish to host or attend an opening reception, be it at a gallery, museum or someone’s home studio. We understand that if doing so, it’s best to wear a mask, keep a safe distance, and overindulge in hand sanitizer. But how do you keep a safe distance in what is in effect a public party?
Throughout our quarter century of producing Fotoseptiembre, we have learned, the hard way, that partaking of finger food at public events is an unhealthy proposition even in the best circumstances. The same goes for drinking from wine glasses lined up on a table.
And let’s be honest. The majority of people attending art openings are there for free drinks and food. It’s also a trendy scene for singles to connect with potential mates and exchange fluids, so there’s that too.
Art openings may soon join bars and restaurants in providing quick and easy remediations to cabin fever. A more high-minded remedy if perceived as such, but an equal crapshoot.
We don’t know what September may bring and we keep all the above in perspective.
For now, we welcome your participation in the 2020 edition of Fotoseptiembre, and we encourage you to join us with either an online series of work or with a safe physical exhibit.
Registrations are still necessary for both options. Our extended registration period is July 1 to August 15, 2020. All registrations are free.
Please see our GUIDELINES page for details.
Thank you ,