What should we see? Which are the best exhibits?
We are asked the same questions every year.
Our answer is unequivocal and honest. Throughout the years, we have learned to look at the festival as a whole, where every artist makes a contribution at her/his/their own level of quality and professionalism. Fotoseptiembre is a community based festival, so the notion that there is a best exhibit doesn’t apply. Instead, what is essential is the collective energy and enthusiasm that wells up every September, giving life to what has become a significant community celebration of the photographic arts. We are always surprised by the effort, the commitment and the thoughtfulness that most artists bring to their exhibition endeavors.
However, if you insist… What to see? Which are the best? We make it easy for you to answer these questions on your own. Just look at the documentation of the exhibits posted on our web site. See for yourself and reach your own conclusions, because invariably, images that resonate with one person will not necessarily resonate with another.
It’s complicated.
What we can say, categorically, is that there are a lot more photographic artists in San Antonio than there were even five years ago. And better artists at that. We have seen a direct correlation between the dogged efforts of a small group of photography instructors and the number of artists exhibiting quality work this year. We have also been keeping track of a select group of artists, curators and presenters who have stepped up their game in the last few years. This is very satisfying.
But more important for us, we achieved our intended goal of fostering even more diversity, eclecticism, inclusivity and participation by local photographic artists.
And to everyone: Thank you, Gracias, Danke, Bedankt, Merci, Grazie, Obrigado, Spasibo, Xièxiè, Arigatōgozaimashita, Gomawo, Dhanyavaad, Salamat, Mahalo, Dankon, etc.
We hope to see you all again next year.
Thank you,