FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 – Bihl Haus Arts
FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Exhibition at Bihl Haus Arts in San Antonio, Texas
Joan Frederick : Photographs With Issues
Joan Frederick, featured artist, Photographs With Issues exhibit at Bihl Haus Arts.
Joan Frederick transforms conventional photographs using kinetics, minimalism, surrealism, found objects, and light to comment on universal themes such as the world condition, relationships, and the natural environment. She is an artist, writer and Indian art historian living in San Antonio.
Joan’s ‘issues’ come from the experiences of a woman of the 20th century who had to take hold of her life, become self-reliant, and learn to orchestrate her own destiny.
I spent most of my life, she says, emulating my mother and her values, trying in vain to live up to the expectations and outdated mores of the past. I had to learn to be strong within myself, both artistically and emotionally, to begin to choose what I wanted to do with my life and who I wanted to be. As a young woman, I chose a mate who resembled my father, ‘the benevolent dictator’ and then spent 21 years trying to make things right. One day I realized I could only make it right for ME, and I took that first step toward individual freedom, which then led me to focus on my art.
This exhibit attempts to comment on the universal condition between men and women in our world, where neither sex is guilt free nor above reproach. It centers on my view as a woman commenting on the difficult yet transcendent nature of relationships over a lifetime, where I have suffered indignity but enjoyed great happiness as well. And I know I’m not the only one.
Kellen Kee McIntyre, Executive Director, Bihl Haus Arts.
Photographic lamp shades by Joan Frederick.
Photographic mobile and portrait of girl.
Photographic imprints on chairs.
Photographic shoe holders.
Photographic images on fabric.
Opening reception at Bihl Haus Arts for Joan Frederick’s Photographs With Issues exhibit.
Michael Casey.
Richard Arredondo and Janet Herrera.
Kemp and Melanie Davis photographing David Zamora Casas and a little friend.
Joan Frederick and reflective sky-scape mobile at her Photographs With Issues exhibit at Bihl Haus Arts.
Reflection of the sky-scape mobile and the ceiling of Bihl Haus Arts.
Great show…We really enjoyed
Nice photos, Michael, and thank you and Ann for all your hard work producing the festival. It’s always so enlightening and FUN!
Hi, Michael and Ann, Thanks for all of your hard work in putting Fotoseptiembre together every year. It just keeps gets better and better! Everyone at Bihl Haus really enjoyed working on this exhibit. Thanks for the nice pics, too!
Very much enjoyed the show! Thank you for the exhibit.
Really unique and enticing show. Can’t wait to see what Joan will keep doing with lamps, especially. They are stunning!
Just saw this. Very nice, Michael.