FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2010 – Instituto Cultural de México
FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2010 Exhibitions and Events at the Instituto Cultural de México in San Antonio, Texas
Arturo Betancourt, Luis Delgado-Qualtrough, Anely Guerrero, Alejandro Jurado Prieto, Bela Limenes, Michael Mehl, Nydia Mejía Zavala, Eliseo Mendoza-Altamira, César Ochoa, Stanley Shoemaker, David Silvan, William Villafaña : Slanted Glances – Idiosyncratic Interpretations of Independence & Revolution in Mexico
Curated by Michael Mehl
Josephine Sacabo : Oyeme Con Los Ojos.
Coordinated by Michael Mehl in conjunction with Jennifer Shaw and the New Orleans Photo Alliance
Josefina Niggli (1910 – 1983) : Halfway Child.
Curated by Michael Mehl and William Fisher
Presented by Gemini Ink and Instituto Cultural de México
Patricia Mendoza : Land, Identity, & Image Lecture
Josephine Sacabo, featured photographer, Oyeme Con Los Ojos.
Arturo Betancourt, featured photographer, Slanted Glances.
Luis Delgado-Qualtrough, featured photographer, Slanted Glances.
Eliseo Mendoza-Altamira, featured photographer, Slanted Glances.
David Silvan, featured photographer, Slanted Glances.
Bill Fisher, co-curator, Halfway Child, and Rosemary Catacalos, executive director, Gemini Ink.
Patricia Mendoza, historian/lecturer, Land, Identity, & Image.
Arturo Betancourt, Luis Delgado-Qualtrough, Patricia Mendoza, David Silvan, and Eliseo
Romeo Flores-Caballero, historian; Gabriela Franco Palafox, director Instituto Cultural de México; and Felix Padron, director, City of San Antonio Office of Cultural Affairs.
Views of the exhibit Oyeme con Los Ojos, by Josephine Sacabo.
An online catalog PDF for the Slanted Glances exhibit is available at:
Views of the exhibit Slanted Glances, with images by twelve photographers. Front gallery.
Views of the exhibit Slanted Glances, with images by twelve photographers. Rear gallery.
Views of the exhibit Halfway Child, showing a sampling of the work of Josefina Niggli.
Patricia Mendoza presenting her lecture, Land, Identity, & Image.
Opening reception for the exhibits at the Instituto Cultural de México.
Luis Delgado-Qualtrough, Dalt Wonk, Eliseo Mendoza-Berrueto, and Romeo Flores Caballero.
Susan Frost and Ann Alexander.
Jerry Craft and Romeo Flores Caballero.
Arturo Betancourt and Patricia Mendoza.
Gerardo and Fernando Montiel Klint with David Rubin.
Joseph and Carolyn Kobos, visiting FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA from Dallas.
Luis Delgado-Qualtrough with Esther Ng and Bob McKinley.
Ellen Sadowsky, David Silvan, Ellen Silvan, and Laurie Silvan.
Eliseo Mendoza-Altamira with visiting friends and family.
Rosanne White and Ann Kinser.
Luis Delgado-Qualtrough with Gabriela Franco.
Jesus Moroles and Susan Budge.
Mariana and Bill Fisher.
Patricia Mendoza taking in images from the Josephine Sacabo exhibit Oyeme Con Los Ojos.
Josephine Sacabo with the staff of the Instituto Cultural de México.
Celebratory dinner at Piatti.