FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 – Dodging Duck Brewhaus
If there ever were an award for the best Duchampian juxtapositioning of photographic images with themed restaurant decor, the prize would go to the Dodging Duck Brewhaus, Boerne’s very own, very excellent microbrewery. Curated by Charles and Tami Kegley, of Bella Creo, the exhibit Inland Surfers, by Erich Schlegel, fittingly features images of quirky juxtapositions of surfboards in unlikely backgrounds and situations, which are mirrored by the unusual placement of the photographs within the Brewhaus.
Dodging Duck Brewhaus. Main entrance.
Waiting room at the Dodging Duck Brewhaus.
Channeling Duchamp, if you will.
More of a Zen approach this time.
OK. Can you guess the correlation?
Beer, ducks and surfboards. What’s not to like?
You get the picture.