One of the finest Mexican Crafts stores we have seen this side of the border, COSAS, owned and operated by collectors Bob and Amy Niederhauser, features the exhibit Gente De Chiapas, by photographer and Chiapas resident, Cisco Dietz. The stark images in Cisco Dietz’s photographs stand out in their monochromatic simplicity among the ornate, filled-to-the-gills, merchandise displays all over the shop.
Amy and Bob Niederhauser. Collectors, proprietors.
Entrance to the photography display area.
The photographs of Cisco Dietz.
Detail of the Gente De Chiapas exhibit.
Amy Niederhauser discussing Gente De Chiapas images with Ann Kinser.
View of the photography display from a room in the shop.
Hello Amy and Bob,
The exhibition looks great, especially in your space. The portraits are awesome and seeing them gives me a twinge of homesickness! When does the show leave Cosas?
Thanks for sending that, Amy. The photographs –even just seeing photos of the photographs–are wonderful and your shop looks fascinating. I’m really looking forward to a visit there.
By way of a photo swap, you might enjoy the photo feature El Interior did of our house. Follow the link and scroll down to Collector’s corner, then click there for more. You’ll see why I LOVE your color scheme.
Hi Teresa:
Thanks much. The show will be up through the end of September – at least. I hope you’ll have a chance to come by sometime before the end of the month.