FOTOSEPTIEMBRE 2024 Exhibition Documentation : Rebecca Dietz : Lost And Found : Un Grito Gallery : Blue Star Arts Complex : San Antonio, TX
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Lost & Found
Un Grito Gallery
211-212 Upstairs Studios
Blue Star Arts Complex
1420 South Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78210
(210) 315-2131 | |
I search for moments of mysticism in urban landscapes: locations where time feels displaced, neither past nor present. The camera is a device that traps time and bends light, freeing objects to create new stories within the photographic frame. This unknowing of the known world creates a crack through which the dreaming world infiltrates and enriches my daily existence.
The traditional darkroom photographs from the series Lost & Found were collected over many years of wandering around Texas and into Mexico. Shot on film, most use pinhole or plastic Holga cameras. The imperfection of these cameras allows the real and imagined to co-exist through shifts in light, clarity, and spatial dynamics. The polaroid images were captured in Piedmont Cemetery, CA in the mid-1990s. The polaroids were briefly exposed to light mid-development by peeling them apart and pressing them back together, creating random shifts in light and color. The final images are digitally scanned and hand-transferred to metal plates. The unpredictable nature of these processes means some images flounder, while others find new life through this fusion of art and chance.–Rebecca Dietz