FOTOSEPTIEMBRE 2022 Exhibition Documentation : Various Photographers : Burra/Anarchist : Arthouse Cinema At Blue Star : Blue Star Arts Complex
#FOTOSEPTIEMBRE 2022 Exhibition Documentation #BurraAnarchist #MariselaBarrera #DonkeyLady #ArthouseCinema #AngelaMartinez #BlueStarArtsComplex #SanAntonioTX
Photographs of Marisela Barrera as The Donkey Lady and Ricardo Flores Magón
Arthouse Cinema At Blue Star
134 Blue Star – Blue Star Arts Complex
San Antonio, TX 78210 |
Burra/Anarchist features large-scale rasquache photo prints on architectural paper of Barrera as the Donkey Lady and Ricardo Flores Magón. Photographers include Al Rendon, Anthony Garcia, Antonia Padilla, Paul Escamilla and Guadalupe Acuña. ArtHouse also hosts indie band BUTTERCUP as part of the opening reception. Barrera teases an excerpt monologue from her verbatim performance sometime that evening. Reservations and/or tickets are not required for the September 15 event. Just show up.
Ricardo Flores Magón was a prominent 1900s Mexican journalist. He was exiled from Porfirian Mexico for revolutionary journalism; he spent time in San Antonio where he published some issues of Regeneración, a call-to-action newspaper. He died (murdered, probably) in Leavenworth Prison in 1922.